Tuesday, March 20, 2007

not in kansas anymore..praise GOD!

first off: the drive from Oklahoma City to Denver, via Kansas, is brutal.

400 miles of NOTHING.

nope. not exaggerating. nothing. when i saw signs for refreshment stops "Only 327 miles ahead!" i knew i was in trouble!

Let's catch up a bit with logistics...

2 weeks ago i was in Houston...a week ago in San Antonio. inbetween san antonio and denver: fort worth, Oklahoma City, Denver, Estes, Boulder and now back to Denver.

tomorrow Estes. for the solid block.

I was able to run up (an hours drive from Denver) to Estes Park yesterday to check out the new digs and meet my fantastic hosts: Larry and Karen...they're leaving for 3 months on Wednesday.

He was a Rocky Mountain National Park Ranger for 35 years...we went to lunch at a little local place where everyone knew their name and stopped at our table to chat. Larry kept me entertained and Karen grimacing during lunch as he told crazy rescue stories on the top of Long's Peak. Long's Peak, a '14er' as they call it, is a gruesome hike where you have to grab out the ice pic and freeclimb at the top. Larry, 71 years old, still climbs Long's every summer. i was warned to not be scared if i found someone in their garage borrowing equipment at all hours....

another dose of 'you're not in kansas anymore dorothy' was when i went for a quick walk and came within 4 feet of a massive elk. wow. Larry and Karen left me a bit of Elk in the freezer to try...i told them i'd know i was TRULLY in the rockies when i sat on the back porch watching elk, deer and rabbits while drinking coffee and prepping to summitt Alice Mountain...

alright...i'll post again shortly to give an update on a few inner matters...but for now. i thought you'd enjoy a few pics... :)


1. the view surrounding my new running trail...
2. Larry and Karen...phenomenal folks.
3. a quick shot from a Boulder trail.
4. a view of Estes as i was leaving town...

5. a horrid self-portrait in front of the Big Thompson


Anonymous said...

no pictures of you making cookies? What gives?

Elizabeth919 said...

You sound like a girl who has discovered the wonders of roads in Oklahoma. Forever unending stretches of two lane roads with little (at best) radio reception, no street lights, and zillions of cemetaries.

Anonymous said...

SW: Praying for you and that the wonder of God in His majestic creation will restore you in those burnt places. What a view !!

Anonymous said...

mary and I (Sean) would like to know what a monsoon overhead in colorado is?