Tuesday, November 2, 2010


For weeks now I’ve been trying to decide what to write y’all...should I tell you of my latest adventures working with mentally handicapped women? Like when I was the only thing keeping a woman from jumping onto train tracks in front of a moving train? Or should I tell you of our latest tutorial performances? Where I sang BV’s for a Muse song, dressing barefoot in all black, head banging and with disonant harmonies? Do I reminisce on all the fun people I’m meeting? I.e., Finding I know the ex-boyfriend of a random new friend who I met while I was in London several years ago? Or the afternoon I had today, in a sewing store making neon-pink bloomers for costumes for Christmas Spectacular? Or the bi-polar weather, going from spring to summer to fall to spring to ???? Or the walk from Bondi Beach to Coogee Beach, more stunning than anything I could imagine? Or getting prophesied over in class? Or the million and one amazing chapels I attend 3 times a week? Or the phenomenal worship experiences in one of the 3 choirs I’m in weekly? Or the killer class on the Holy Spirit, teaching me soo much on The One Who Speaks The Words of The Father? Hmmm...

**WARNING** This is a rather lengthy one, so grab a cuppa’ joe or skip ahead! I want to hear YOUR thoughts!



I LOVE Destiny’s Child. Wow. Confession is out there! My secret guilty pleasure is a secret no more! Whew! I have their song “Say My Name” rolling around in my head this morning. It reminds me of my name, Annetta. Ok ok. I know that sounds simple but track with me. I was praying the other day and added “favor” to the list. It’s not an abnormal prayer for me. But somehow in the praying, it made me stop. Why should I pray for favor? What makes ME so special that He’d give ME favor? I mean, if He’s giving me something doesn’t it mean someone else does NOT get it? Why me? And to be honest, there was no answer for several days. There was no Voice from Heaven saying I was the chosen one and no dove descending upon when my shoulder when I got out of my morning showers. But then on a run the other morning, it popped up again. And I started thinking, favor...hmmm..it’s REALLY just grace in disguise. Grace is undeserved favor. Grace, grace....Annetta means “full of grace.” Wow. So all this time I’m praying for favor, I’m actually FULL of undeserved favor? I mean, to be honest, everyone in Christ is full of grace, maybe I just needed a little extra reminder of what’s inside me.

Sometimes I think there is more for us than what we get in this life. Hold with me, this may take a minute of tracking...I think my sin, the mar of sin in this world and the evil one seek to keep me from what He has in store for me. I think there are so many riches untold in His storehouse for me, should I just choose to grab onto them. I think for many of us, we don’t always get all the greatness and goodness He has in store simply because we don’t FIGHT for it. We don’t fight the evil one to release the things that are ours that He has given us. All we’d have to do is CLAIM them as ours, because they’ve already been allocated to us! Christ has already given them to us, yet we allow the evil one to hold them in captivity. We allow him to lord them over us, showing us what we don’t “have” yet what our hearts want. I’m not necessarily talking about riches and honor and fame here, although I think that’s sometimes included. I’m talking about peace + a future + hope + a place + position + calling. I get it that this world is no longer the avatar-like Eden it was pre-Eve’s apple noshing. I see the pain and hurt all around. I can almost see the scar sin made as it ripped open the heart of the earth. And because of this, all the ugly hurting things in the world run rampant. But that’s where I’m putting my foot down. I’m tired of saying “it’s a fallen world” when Christ came to RESTORE that fallen world. I’m tired of saying my life is as it is when He came to make this life MORE THAN glorious. I’m tired of hardening my heart to the stories of sex + child trafficking. I’m ready to fight back. I’m fighting back. I’m fighting back for what’s MINE. I’m fighting back for what’s YOURS. No longer will I be robbed of my future or favor or position or peace or joy simply because the evil one wants to hold it out or because I am unwilling to claim it from His storehouses. I’m cleaning out my storehouse in heaven and using what I find to claim this world back. With everything that’s within me, I’m taking hold of that which was given me so that I can fight for others who can’t fight for what was given them.

Don’t hear me wrong, thinking I’m a bristley girl, fighting for my rights. I’m not the kid screaming and clutching onto things not mine, jealous of others and using them as a head up. Nope. I’m content with what He’s ordered for me. But I want ALL of what He’s ordered for me. So I’m pursuing the things of God in the heavenlies today. I’m pressing in to have all the Divinity really living and speaking in this heart. I’m in a fighting mood kids, full of undeserved favor, fighting to get every last drop of that favor while I am here. Say my name!