Friday, December 19, 2008

Tampering Espresso...AND Souls

Espresso machine
Originally uploaded by toni wahid.
I can't really do espresso anymore...I overdosed on espresso too many times when I worked at S*bucks. I like those ol' school espresso know, the ones where the espresso goes into a little silver bucket with a black handle. The ones where the barista taps down the espresso so it's firmly packed before the steaming hot water is pressed through it...

Here I am. In Dallas...about to be out of a job...about to be homeless (again). But with amazing friends, a church I dearly love and a conviction that I am supposed to be here. Moreso, I believe with all my heart, that He brought me here for my GOOD. Hebrews 11...believing in the's what He's been having me do for the last 2 years.

And I see whispers of provision...getting to sing a little more with my church...being approached by a friend about writing music for a feature film...finding a girl I'm CONVINCED needs to be my roommate...starting to settle in a bit. Moreso, my heart is content. I enjoy life here. I enjoy giving and loving. I enjoy being single. I'm grateful for Him today.

You know, when the barista taps down the ground espresso, it's for better brewing. Somehow, espresso that's tightly packed gives off more flavor when the hot water steams through it. I feel in so many ways that He has been tapping down my soul the past few months...having me wait for His provision, well, it makes me know that it's not me making things happen! It's so clear that all the gifts and provision that are coming are purely from His bounty. It's as if He's about to shoot through this soul of mine with His Spirit and His tapping down my soul was His way of enabling more of His Spirit to shine through this vessel.

Can I tell you how grateful I am? I am so confident of His coming provision. It blows my mind that He has given me this faith to see the unseen. I am so humbled. He saw fit to allow me to be a part of showing others how GOD provides for His kids. It's stunning really.

Just wanted to post of my overwhelming gratefulness. And to say, yet again, He is coming. More so, even better, He is HERE.

Emmanuel this Christmas season...God WITH us.

Much love...


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Standin' Still: Eyes Wide, Knees A-Knockin'

Senses are heightened as I stand in front of glassy-filmed water, deep and wide. There's no crossing. No path laid out in front of me. Just a knowledge that beyond that mammoth body of water lies the Promised Land; My destiny lies beyond the Red Sea.

I look down at the ground, dirt and sand and pebbles cover the ground in a tan coat. Oddly enough, there's no ants scurrying about...not even the occasional lizard scurrying out of sight. If I look closely, I can see the ground vibrating...the rhythm extends to the water in front of me causing the lucid liquid to ripple ever so slightly. The vibrations grow as do the riples.

I look behind me. Horses; All pounding with thousands of pounds of flesh and javelins extended. Pointing towards my heart. Blood in the eyes of the riders and a stench wafts to my nostrils of sweat and thick dust kicked up from their ride; this army of TIME.

I lick dry lips and chew on them in nervousness. A fear is swelling inside. I quote Scripture to keep it at bay: Lamentations 3:22-24,

"The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion says my soul, therefore I have hope in Him."

Part of my soul rings in triumph at this truth. Part of me is centered on the growing trembling of the earth as this army approaches. My hands are cold and clammy, trembling in rhythm to the horse hooves. My heart is swelling with emotion. Part of me is scared to tears...and the other grasps with all my might on truth:

HE WILL SAVE. He will make a way.

I think time has to get short enough (the Egyptians have to get close enough) to show that nothing is an issue when you have a God as powerful as the One I serve...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Creating as an Act of Faith?

Is creating, as a Christian artist, an act of faith?

Hebrews 11 talks of the world being prepared by God's invisible word; "what is seen was not made out of things which are visible." It makes me wonder if an artist's creativity is outsourced from this invisble well. Perhaps the things of beauty we see are all depictions of that invisible world.

I also wonder about artist's as prophets. A friend and I were talking of some of these thoughts over java this weekend. 3 thoughts for this at first glance. 1. The majority of artist's works seem to be depictions of past or current scenarios. 2. When an artist paints of the everyday, in his perspective, there is such a clear depiction of the eternal reality underlying the everyday that the future is clearly seen. 3. When an artist does paint of the future, it is almost as a warning.

Thoughts?!? Anyone?!?