Monday, April 16, 2007

a sinus infectionated epiphany

first off...can 'infectionated' really be a real word?

it all starts with my walk to the library today. to check email. post, etc., i use the great city library of Estes Park. fun. as i trek from my house the view is gorgeous and the thoughts are always abundant.

i was thinking back to my first few weeks at Estes...i remember scrambling to try and figure out something to write...i knew i had a whole lotta' stuff happenin in the ol' 'hopper', but didn't really have words for anything yet. so...i didn't post much. and what i did post oftimes was only comprehensive for yours trully.

and now...well...i could write for days on all the things that seem to be nicely fittin' together.

my thought as i was walking was this: it's like a sinus head was so stuffed up with all kinds of stuff. then the Word came along like a perfect prescription drug....and slowly but surely, the crazy stuff has drained out of my head and left...well, hopefully left only good stuff.

nothing groundbreaking here.

just a humourous thought on mucuos (sp?) to alienate the average reader.
(sorry shirley!)

love y'all....

start my trek homeward presently.

so much...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so, you are saying that the spiritual life is like snot? and the Word is like Sudafed?
oh boy!