Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fear V. Love...Round 2.

i find myself really 'getting' Peter these days...

i totally get his denial of Christ following the crowing in the garden...sad that i 'get' him huh? but, if you think about it, i mean, Peter really loved Jesus. with all of his heart i least all of his heart that he knew about.

the problem was, Peter didn't even know that he had a pocket of fear. i don't think he thought anything would be scary...after all, he was a hulking, blustering, tough fisherman. isn't he supposed to be able to chew lead or something of that sort?

Peter did love Jesus. he loved Him SOO much. shouldn't this love have been enough? a love for a sinless human being, who had given him purpose...Jesus had made Peter's life worthwhile...given him meaning...

peter was scared of a few men...he was scared what they'd do to him...the same peter that had no problem fighting folks off with a knife was now cowered by the testimony of a servant .

peter let his fear control him.

i'm learning more about fear every it swallows up love. i kinda' even think it might be the root of all sin.

more on fear to come....


Jackie said...

I am trying this whole blog thing out... here is the address to mine:
Hope you are doing well. Love ya- Jackie

mdillingham said...

I think we forget that the fishermen that Jesus took with him were not little, skinny weak guys. They had to be strong, powerful people in order to pull those nets out of the water.

A lot of depictions of Jesus and His disciples are skinny, weak looking people, but it had to be the contrary. These guys were tough, hardened fishermen, who Jesus softened and turned into followers and leaders for Him.

I wish that people would stop playing to the "weak" humble idea of Christ and realize how strong He and his followers were and still are.

Thank you for your thought provoking words. We miss you here at Tallowood, but know you are where you need to be.
