Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Fishing boat #2
Originally uploaded by slack12.
When you go fishing on a boat, you occasionally float over deep, dark places of a lake. If you peer closely over the side of the boat, you can see shadows lazily darting about..while you can't make out what the shadow is, the movement catches your eye...where I am right now, in this boat, I can see Him darting about under the surface...unlike the lazidaisical darting of the fish, His movement is full of grace. While I can't see what shape or form He's in, I know He's there under the surface. At any moment, I expect Him to emerge out of the shadows, bearing all my dreams into the light. I don't know how or why I know this with all my heart, but my heart finds it's hope in this and this alone. I believe there is so much stirring under the surface of the deep place...I can almost see Him at work...He is coming. I can see the ripples coming...and then will come the tsunami of His glorious working out of my salvation and His Story for this world with all of His grace and love pouring out....and according to His glorious riches....what a beautiful place to sit this morning...contemplating His great love.

I tell you all this because it is such a gift to me to be able to see it...and I believe my testifying in advance of what He is doing...acknowledging the faith walk I am on, brings Him greater glory...e.g., as He accomplishes this work in me, You are able to clearly see His working as He has foretold it to my heart.

Also, in the midst of this, my heart is fallible...anytime you care to pray for me, I ask 3 things: 1. That my prayer of "I believe...Help me believe!" is answered in the affirmative, 2. for clarity of the next step (although when He's moving it's impossible to miss it if you're trying in the least! and that 3. He comes through like a powerful force, stirring the foundations of the world to move and manifest these dreams of the deep places...

much love y'all...


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