Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Calling is Higher Than Ourselves

Sudan boy
Originally uploaded by nick rain images.
Since 1989, 2.5 million people have been killed in Southern Sudan while just over 5 Million Sudanese people have been displaced. A modern-day holocaust, a genocide ignored, people are just now starting to pay attention and DO something about the horrific attrocities in Southern Sudan.

Recently, a dear friend of mine published a life-changing novel, The Calling. A work 4 years in the making, The Calling changed my heart and perspective in the war for the souls of the Sudanese people. Prior to reading the book, I cared about the crazy things that were happening, but didn't really see my American self as able to initiate any changes. I also didn't understand what the conflict was all about. But because of the intoxicating pen of Elizabeth Hankins, I have not only become more aware of the story of these beautiful plum-black people, but I now have an understanding of my responsibility and ability in fighting for them.

One thing I can do is tell you about them. Endorsed by such names as Brian McClaren and Amnesty International, The Calling is an easy, addicting read that sucks you in from the moment you open the cover. Just a warning, but I had 2 late nights, lotsa' tears and much laughter in the consumption of it.

So...Buy it! Read it! Tell your friends about it!

One last thing. ALL proceeds of the book, outside of the cost to make the book, go directly to Aid Sudan, Living Water International and Amnesty International.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have a link to the book or at least the author's name, since there are far too many books out there with the same title.