Friday, July 11, 2008

morning of joy!

Good bye 2007 & Happy New year 2008
Originally uploaded by i b u.
looking back...i can see so many things i'd change. and so many things that i'd keep.

this year, i'm so thankful for a broken engagement...healing heart...renewed vision...His increased Presence...conviction...hard on my face...hard moments....beautiful job...crazy job...scraping by...being taken care of...feeling like an adult...being treated like a child...understanding of what's happening 'neath the surface...coming back to Him...hearing Him...loving Him..being loved by Him.

we sow in tears...i'm still waiting for the crop to come in. but i believe it's coming. there's-a-somethin' stirring 'neath the surface and it's HIM! i'm so desiring His morning to dawn with the shouts of joy He promises...i'm still unsure what that looks like personal plumbline seems to have shifted...

you know, Frodo (hobbit from Lord of the Rings), when asking how he was to return to Rivendell after his wild adventures, was told, "you can't ever go back to who you were. you're different now." this is how i feel...after the pain of this year, the way He stretched me and eradicated some pet sins, i don't think i can ever go back to who i was. i pray i DON'T ever go back to who i was. i want to be better. always, each day, better. because each day finds me more and more in His image.

what's stirring? only He knows for sure. but one thing i DO know: it's GOOD. as He is GOOD, it's GOOD.

beautiful huh?

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