Saturday, August 25, 2007

still abstract

Elephant on a Wall
Originally uploaded by MsAnthea "Anthéaïs".
good morning! or good evening or good day as it may be in your world....

isn't it funny how life is all relative to someone's perspective? now don't get me wrong and think i've turned into some postmodern relativist who thinks there are no absolutes. but it's funny how if you look at something from a different angle than someone else, it can seem to be a completely different object. huh. makes me think of that ol' story about the blind men and the elephant (i'm gonna' botch this one!)...they each grabbed hold of a different part of the grabbed the trunk, one the leg, one the tusk...and they each thought it a different entity. respectively, one thought it a snake, one a tree, one a sword. in a lot of ways, understanding the truth behind life relies on one having the correct perspective.

in so many ways He renewed and 'set aright' my perspective on life when i was in Estes. while many of you may find my reference to my time there quite wearying, please bear with me. i'm still kinda' 'getting' what all He spoke to me there.

while in Estes, i started to get that life really is to be lived out as a fantastically powerful creature filled with Him. there is no letting go of that identity. and the more i live out of that the better.

but i find myself slacking in the identity such a degree that for a moment i lack vision and faith, and start calling what place i'm currently in a snake or a tree or a sword...

6 months down now. and still lacking so many of the tangible things we call 'necessary' for 'normal' life. but i realize that 'normal' is all a matter of perspective...and that all my needs are met in Him.

praying that my heart echoes even louder today, 'i have no need, no good, apart from You my sweet Jesus'...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

oh my friend - yes, the elephant, what a beast it is when we can't see the whole. I'm praying for you, my amazing beautiful passionate friend.