Thursday, August 9, 2007

honestly? it's past the point of good humor

you know, there's this point where patience wears out. it no longer speaks for you. it no longer responds gracefully. it no longer bides my time. it no longer gives moments of peace in the midst of chaos. it no longer provides support and home simply by it's presence.

when this patience wears out i'm left confused, wondering.

this week, i've felt a little like an orphan. i hate even saying the word orphan in respect to myself. it makes me feel ungrateful. after all, i am not without a superior set of 'rents. and i've a perfect Father in heaven to boot. but, there's something about a family...they're supposed to provide a solid compass. problem is, while my Father has been speaking so many abstract things to me, there is NO concrete stuff to be heard. hard to have a solid compass when all you hear is ethereal. and one of the worst things (to me) is His quiet. He has a plan for my life. yet He shares it not. this lack of sharing on His part leaves me biting my tongue from calling Him 'stingy'....

i'm tired of the intangible. 6 months now. intangible faith. my faith well's run on empty for some time...He's just been giving me the daily requirement. but, bottoms up and there's not a drop today. i mean, i've faith that i'll have food and drink. i'll have a place to lay this ol' noggin. but, those heart things...those dreams. those communal needs. those desires for living a life greater than me....seem to sift out of that cup like dust left after all moisture's evaporated.

all walking done today is done with no sense of emotionalism. there's no 'good feelings' cheering me on to greater heights. rather, my sustaining factor is simply grit. grit and a little whisper. on second thought, it's probably moreso the little whisper...if you're living the grit whisper, rock on. let's bond.

but amidst it all...i'm still solidly planted in His plan for me. i just wish He'd share the next step with me...walking. listening. and finding myself a little gripey...

but still so enchanted by Him that i can't let go...

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