Friday, July 27, 2007

a moment...

Originally uploaded by markva2.
recently, i went on a run in virginia beach, va. a great run. the kind of run where i weep in the middle of a particularly speedy stretch; not because i'm in pain, but because my soul is poignantly touched with the beauty of Him, and i've no way to adaquately express my love.

my run was not at the beach. it was just to a neighborhood near the apartment i was staying at...beautiful view (this pic is of the park). the name of the park is : mount trashmore. sounds like a funny name huh? well, the really funny part is it's not just a name. the park is really an old trash dumpground renovated into a beautiful community park. it started me thinking...

He can make something out of fact, He quite often takes our bruise, depraved selves and turns them into royalty. He takes this 'ugly wart frog' and turns me into a pretty, pretty princess. He took a ball of dirt and made Adam. He daily takes my failings and turns them into a tapestry that glorifies Him. our Father is breathtaking. i can't get enough of Him these days...He's made my heart to constantly want Him. i find He's more than enough. my soul's alive dear friends! love and miss all of you! praying for so many of you by name this evening and all of you by His Spirit...


wow. it's been awhile. a disclaimer, i've been on a 4 week road trip...i'll find myself settled in a home soon...pray for direction~!


Rebecca said...

I'm so glad that He transforms. I need it every day. Love you, can't wait to hear more stories. Praying for direction.

Mike Lu said...

Wow, I'm inspired. Makes me want to go do a midnight run. I've run 6 marathons and don't think I've ever had a moment like that. Seriously cool.