Friday, July 27, 2007

a moment...

Originally uploaded by markva2.
recently, i went on a run in virginia beach, va. a great run. the kind of run where i weep in the middle of a particularly speedy stretch; not because i'm in pain, but because my soul is poignantly touched with the beauty of Him, and i've no way to adaquately express my love.

my run was not at the beach. it was just to a neighborhood near the apartment i was staying at...beautiful view (this pic is of the park). the name of the park is : mount trashmore. sounds like a funny name huh? well, the really funny part is it's not just a name. the park is really an old trash dumpground renovated into a beautiful community park. it started me thinking...

He can make something out of fact, He quite often takes our bruise, depraved selves and turns them into royalty. He takes this 'ugly wart frog' and turns me into a pretty, pretty princess. He took a ball of dirt and made Adam. He daily takes my failings and turns them into a tapestry that glorifies Him. our Father is breathtaking. i can't get enough of Him these days...He's made my heart to constantly want Him. i find He's more than enough. my soul's alive dear friends! love and miss all of you! praying for so many of you by name this evening and all of you by His Spirit...


wow. it's been awhile. a disclaimer, i've been on a 4 week road trip...i'll find myself settled in a home soon...pray for direction~!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Road Trip

Road Trip
Originally uploaded by More Altitude.
ok. so many of you know of M6, a mission trip i took with TWood last summer. well, a friend and i are about to embark on a 3 week version of that...and we think it's gonna go right down the east coast.

we're starting with a night with friends in BHam, AL, then to see my sis in NYC...she's working for the Philharmonic and is gonna hire us for a few days. then i have cousins in Providence RI (45 minutes from Boston) and my friend's mom is moving from Virginia Beach...and i'm singing in a wedding (ADRIENNE!) in Charleston SC at the end of the month...

those are the loose plans. but my friend (Sandrine) and i are holding them loosely in our hands. i can't WAIT to see where He takes us...and we're preparing this week for the crazy journey starting Thursday...incidentally, that's the day after my 28th bday...what a coming of age trip eh?!?

anywho.. any prayers are coveted. we're listening and i pray this is lifechanging..for us as well as many others!

p.s. the album should be done right about the time we get back...wahoo!

go red

Originally uploaded by Teng...11.
it's raining outside.

there's always been something about rain...makes me think.

this week, i've been contemplating growing up. i guess it's normal to contemplate that as i was at a family reunion right outside the city of Crown Point...the city i spent the first 12 years of my life in. i saw the lady that used to babysit me, my childhood bff and the younger kid next door who's now grown and owns his own business. the whole time i talked with the lady who babysat me, she just kept saying, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! YOU'RE SO HUGE!".

it made me feel like i'm either pudgy or just really grown up.

so growing up. for awhile now that little rebellious streak of mine has been directed towards anything that scents of legalism. if someone said that wearing red is the only thing holy, i would throw out all shirts with the slightest hue of red and wear only black. i mean, who can dictate God's color preferences?!? and who's to say that red really is my color anyway? who's to say that i'm not a GREEN kinda' girl...

ok ok. i get it that my rebellious response is not only childish, but it's tacky. but the thing that really struck home in my heart was as i was thinking about Romans 12:2A,

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

i've been working on that whole conformed thing for a while...and thought i was working on the transformed thing. but as i look at Him, i think, it's not that wearing anything but red is necessarily wrong, it's just that wearing red is the BEST's the way He created me to live. and it's not even about a normal life that's really good and looks great alongside the next nonChristian's life. rather, the transformed life is so amazingly removed, that non Christians recognize it as the way they ache to live.

let me try saying this's not the color red. it's not that legalistic people are always's just that, they're usually onto something...they are usually sensing out a few guidelines that make this a life lived best.

the black and blue wearers of the world know that red is really their color. and it's really my color. i just don't tell those wearing blue that blue doesn't become them... :)

so. i'm pushing ahead today. not to 'not wear black' but to wear red in such a way that all will know that He is indeed alive.

grace and peace,
